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Search results for query #продукти

What is the difference between "entry price" and "purchase price"?
There is an action "Copy process product fields". In this action it is possible to select "input price" and "purchase pric...
margin calculation
tell me how can you calculate the margin in the process separately for goods and separately for services if the goods and services are in the order...
1 answer
23.03.2023, 12:13
It is not possible to select a product measurement unit.
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/ You cannot manually create a product. Error. Where did the units of measurement go?
What is "Product Lists" and what is this functionality for?
in Products in the settings there is "Product Lists", what is it and what is it for?
7 replies
02.03.2023, 14:07
Grouping of identical goods in documents
As in the document template, you can group the same products by the additional field of the process product
10 replies
The product card has been changed, it's not quite manual
For some reason, the product card began to look different. The fields in the "General information" block have been compressed, now it is not conven...
3 answer
Personal license
08.02.2023, 15:32
The product card does not show the price change
Product https://znaide.1b.app/app/product/33554/edit/, customized automation for calculating Price Levels automation was started in the product, i...
5 replies
31.01.2023, 17:36
Improvement: uploading products to Google sheets
Hello. I ask you to evaluate the completion of the action in automation for unloading products in Google Sheets like
2015957547 - Added a column to the sales report
In the "Sales report (products sold from warehouse)" added a column that shows the ratio "Total Sold/Returns (%)"
5 replies
24.11.2022, 15:22
Prohibition of product editing by ticking
http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/desktop/ At the moment, there is only 1 setting for editing products in access rights. A setting that would allow blocki...

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