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Search results for query #поставщик

11 replies
03.10.2021, 22:59
The price is not displayed when loading the price list
Good afternoon. I'm trying to download a price list from google doc and when "Confirming the correct recognition of the price list" t...
12 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
03.10.2021, 13:01
Refinement for importing goods from the supplier Brain
For the "Import data from the Brain provider" action, you need to modify: 1) Load product filter only when creating a new product - if th...
2 answer
11.09.2021, 11:41
Bug. OneBoxOS. Suppliers are not imported once an hour.
There is an action once per hour "Import XLS products" (Fig. 1) Configured to search for an external ID and vendor binding (Fig. 2) Thi...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
09.09.2021, 19:27
Filters are not recorded during automatic price update (ZPP)
We made improvements https://box.webproduction.ua/2015846845/ When manually uploading the price, everything works correctly, here is an example of ...
9 replies
09.09.2021, 16:17
supplier's RRP
https://crm.dobavki.ua/ There are many suppliers, different margins The product can be both in the price list of the supplier (suppliers are regist...
4 answer
Clickable link
Good afternoon! I wrote earlier, the issue is not resolved https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/suppliers-and-prices/4133-klikabelnaya-ssilka/
1 answer
Unexplained failure with the supplier
Hello, the situation is as follows: This price list was previously linked and on 6.09 116 positions were missed (we did not need them). Some kind o...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.08.2021, 13:54
Import file from dropbox
There is a file on dropbox It is available at https://www.dropbox.com/s/1rfw3asmlorkc2h/B2B_Data_Feed_280.xlsx In this way https://take.ms/fPP3O th...
4 answer
03.08.2021, 23:36
Set the supplier for the products according to the brand settings of the suppliers - if the brand is not assigned to the product
Good evening. Automation action once a day - Set a supplier for products according to the brand settings for suppliers, if a brand is not assigned ...
6 replies
29.07.2021, 13:18
Automatically add a customer to an order
Good afternoon! There is a supplier, a client is attached to him. How can I set it so that when placing an order to a supplier using the "Inse...

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