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Search results for query #дополнительное поле

additional field
Hello. Is it possible in the KPI settings in the field Take into account only processes, where the employee can add, for example, additional fields...
7 replies
17.02.2021, 18:01
Add. payment fields
At the same time, when making a payment from the account to the account, an additional payment was made. the payment field is transferred only to t...
2 answer
16.02.2021, 15:22
BAG. The "tick" field is assigned the value "-1"
Good afternoon, colleagues. We have an additional field to the "Consider in the report" process, this field somehow gets the value -1 htt...
7 replies
15.02.2021, 12:10
changes to the additional process field in the comment
Hello. There was a need to fix changes in one additional field in the comment (for other fields, you need to fix it as it is now in the history, wi...
2 answer
12.02.2021, 16:40
Remove fields
When creating a new order, this field is displayed for me. When I click the "additional contacts" button, my home list expands. fields. e...
7 replies
Connect address directory to additional field
Good afternoon! we have an additional field - "city". how to connect a directory of cities to it and in what format should it be? Is it a...
payment account
Hello. Is it possible to take a wallet to bind a payment from the additional field of the process product?
1 answer
05.02.2021, 20:56
Calculate and write the value to the additional field if the conditions are met
Can you tell me how to use the "interval" condition in this action? What should be written in the "field value" if I have an in...
5 replies
27.01.2021, 13:25
Additional field for products of the same category
How to make an additional field for products of the same category. Let's say we have fabrics and they have a certain code. And how to make it e...
22 answer
26.01.2021, 12:52
Sorting behind the additional field
Good day Is it possible to sort for additional fields in finance? (actual payments) /admin/shop/finance/ Yakshcho nі - skilki doopratsyuvannya

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