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Search results for query #бизнес-процесс

2 answer
07.10.2022, 11:11
The field values are not saved when the device is received for repair.
When accepting for repair, the field values are not saved, the system gives an error "about not being filled". These fields are connected...
12 replies
28.09.2022, 13:23
The action "Add contacts to the tab Contacts to the process" does not work
Add contacts to the Contacts tab of the process https://dai-spisat.1box.link/2162/ test process At the test2 stage, set the action, set the setting...
CRM for business process configurations
We need a system for a diverse business and we need the most flexible PSU designer Are there any limits on the number of processes? We need to do 1...
4 answer
Personal license
05.09.2022, 12:12
Refine the selection of stages for creating a process by button
Here https://univer.1b.app/ Once they did a revision for the LC, creating a process by clicking the button https://1b.app/ru/forum/other/14258-dora...
2 answer
11.07.2022, 00:31
If at 2 stages it was ordered to write off the goods from the warehouse, then when moving between stages, the stench will be written off to the two?
Є Stage In Obrobtsі і є stage selected. At two stages, sell the contents of the process. If I pass between the stages, then the goods will be writt...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
05.07.2022, 12:13
BP generation action by contacts
Hello! In the "generate BP by contact groups" action, when setting the specified day and time, processes are not generated. Or randomly g...
2 answer
Fence crossing in the fallow land in the field
We need to fence the transition to the next stage of the process until the amount of the process and the amount of payments will not be equal to th...
7 replies
does not save the process
Here is the order https://akmp.com.ua/992/ I just click save and it freezes and nothing happens.
1 answer
16.06.2022, 09:34
Add form not showing up
Despite the fact that the preview page is disabled, it is still there from the pop-up call. How can I disable the "preliminary page" so t...
33 answer
10.06.2022, 18:24
Evaluate the refinement of the process comments block: add the ability to select client employees
Good afternoon. Need an assessment of refinement and help in the optimal TK. The task is this: when writing a comment in the process comment block,...

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