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Search results for query #товар

5 replies
28.08.2020, 00:06
Products stopped being given through the API
Box http://ultra.alfashina.ua/ API /api/product/get/ returns only the first part (part=1) with the 1st product, although there are more than 100 th...
10 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
20.08.2020, 18:59
Does not display products when moving to another category, if it was on the second page
I am here https://baza.cn.ua/admin/shop/products/?filtercustomkodkategoriirozetka23=&f... That is on the second page. Then I go to another cate...
2015567571 - Sorting goods in the warehouse
For the table “Balance of products in warehouses” of the “Balance in warehouse” section, it has been improved so that when the default sorting “pro...
1 answer
26.02.2020, 11:33
Refinement of import of goods in YML
Improve the ability to import products in YML format so that you can also load any SEO entities for which there are corresponding fields in OneBox ...
Product photo that changes when you hover over
Consumption of research on the site in the catalog with goods How to do it again: When you hover over the photo, another photo of the product is di...

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