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Search results for query #розетка

1 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
25.04.2024, thursday, 13:30
The action that transfers the status from the Box to the Socket stopped working. Gives an error
http://prntscr.com/DtVSq-hFnkxO Maybe the problem is that the statuses in Rosetta are in Ukrainian, and in Box in Moscow? https://sellerhelp.rozetk...
Orders from Rozetka are not processed correctly
We connected another outlet account. All settings were copied from the previous (working) setting. But the order comes in without a Status and just...
Integration of orders from the box
Congratulations! When we add an additional product to the order in the box to the current order that came from the outlet, it is not pulled up for ...
Statuses in boxing have stopped changing
Good afternoon. 4 days ago, statuses in the box stopped changing, when the status changed in Rozetka, and when delivered to the Rozetka department....
20 replies
30.11.2023, 12:09
Improvement on "Rotette delivery"
Guys, it's very important. Please pay attention. Thanks in advance. I ask you to improve the "Rozetka Delivery" application, namely: 1) You need to...
3 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
20.11.2023, 10:59
When we switch to the Completed stage in the Box, the stage in the Socket cabinet does not switch
Other stages are switched. The action "Update order status in Rozetka Seller API" is available Perhaps the problem is in the language. In Rosetka's...
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
The Switch stage setting does not work if the order status in Rozetka has changed
orders do not come from the outlet
Yesterday the integration with the socket failed, I don't know why, it just disappeared, maybe I accidentally deleted it made a new one today add...
Import orders from outlet (fulfillment)
Good afternoon There are orders that arrive through the fulfillment system from the outlet for some reason they come without contact details (only ...

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