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Search results for query #сервер

You need to clean up space on the server (delete unnecessary files and logs)
Now it's like this Please issue an invoice https://akmp.com.ua/app/system-statistic/
4 answer
Personal license
19.04.2024, 15:28
Change server time
Portal.hixa.eu needs to change the server time to Berlin, Germany
5 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
27.09.2023, 17:05
Low disk space, need to free up space
Here https://box.yerocolors.com/app/system-statistic/ The disk space is already critically low. You need to clear the "garbage" to free u...
1 answer
14.08.2023, 16:27
Space is running out
Good day, the free disk space in the cloud is running out. Please help with cleaning
3 answer
25.07.2023, 23:46
Clear box https://crm.kupistul.ua/
Good afternoon Tell me, is it possible to clear the https://crm.kupistul.ua/admin/shop/statistic/ box from technical files? If yes, what will be th...
7 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
17.07.2023, 12:48
Adding Memory to the Clock Crown
Here https://chekhol.com.ua/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ Sometimes the clock cron hangs due to lack of memory. Is it possible to add 2 GB of memory...
3 answer
01.07.2023, 10:11
CRM not working
Good afternoon. Crm does not work: https://crm.sportmarket.ua
2 answer
Personal license
27.06.2023, 18:51
Transfer the box from the data tariff to the box
Good day! You need to transfer the ariabride.1b.app box to the client's own server. Access will be sent to the mail.
1 answer
Personal license
26.06.2023, 18:30
Estimate the amount of data after transferring to the OS
Good day! the customer chooses between tariffs to switch from MVP to OS. please estimate how many MB will actually be occupied by the box https://c...
5 replies
16.06.2023, 17:27
We increased the server parameters, but now the hourly crown does not work, how to reconfigure the parameters?
We increased the parameters (RAM was 4, it became 8), but the hourly crown works somewhat chaotically, the panel generally shows that it does not w...

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