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Refinement is required
Add automation for adding TTNs that go to us to the process. That is, the action searches for TTN integration that are directed TO us, and adds TTN...
Good day. Please tell me how to display the columns "Shop price" "Internet price" "Wholesale price" "Purchase price" in the Products. The calculati...
BAG of price calculation
https://askoart.1b.app/app/product/13944/edit/ If the product is ONLY in the warehouse of the employee, then the recalculation is not made and the ...
How to choose 1 of 2 suppliers for price calculation?
there are 2 suppliers (as per screenshot) They have different priorities The price recalculation sees the priority of the supplier, but then it s...
What is the difference between "entry price" and "purchase price"?
There is an action "Copy process product fields". In this action it is possible to select "input price" and "purchase pric...
1 answer
price calculation according to formulas
When creating an order, is it possible to dynamically calculate the cost of the product for the client using formulas (fixed part + coefficient x q...
2 answer
Incorrect price in the global list of processes
In the global list of processes, the field "Product" will show the name of the product and its price. Ale price is shown without reductio...
2 answer
Тзов Екомора
03.09.2021, 18:37
Uploading additional prices to feed
box https://ekomora.ua/dashboard/ nalashtuvav Vivantazhuvaty zamіst tsіni product one of the assigned tsіn: axis product https://ekomora.ua/admin/s...
1 answer
16.03.2021, 15:07
Recalculation of prices
The system does not list additional prices admin/shop/products/194693/edit/ change the supplier's price to any and additional prices will not b...

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