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Search results for query #контакты

Automation for contacts
Is it possible to do automation to transfer a contact to a group depending on the product category?
0 replies
14.10.2023, 13:02
Record the date of change in the contact card
Here https://crm.phdcare.com.ua/app/contact/6168/ Need to be recorded in add. field the date the contact card was last modified. You can do this th...
1 answer
21.09.2023, 17:43
Fields that are included in the search
Good afternoon We encountered a problem and added a field to the contact card with a list of manufacturers with whom the client works. For exampl...
1 answer
21.08.2023, 10:11
Contact groups
Good afternoon Tell me, please, our contacts are divided into groups and it is possible to choose only one group. How to select and filter severa...
Restriction on editing contacts
There was a problem, I put the contact group, position and checkbox, whether he is an employee, into a separate block. I put a restriction on this ...
Help setting up contact import (XML Contacts Integration (Import))
Good afternoon There was a problem setting up automation once an hour. "Integrate XML Contacts (Import)" action. Data on API URL finds, but cont...
4 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
02.03.2023, 13:58
Functionality not working
Good afternoon There is no ability to drag and drop actions in the filtering panel of the Contacts app Can I fix it?
1 answer
08.02.2023, 10:41
Search for a contact on the site
Good afternoon. In contacts there is a "Web site" field, tell me how you can sort contacts by this field so that you can see contacts whose "Websit...
5 replies
01.02.2023, 10:26
Import contacts
Good afternoon. We want to rename all contacts from Russian to Ukrainian. As a result, we received a ready-made excel file with a contact code, las...
4 answer
06.01.2023, 19:18
Lost ID numbers in contacts
Here https://univer.1b.app/app/contact/ https://take.ms/xfOUm ID jumped up a lot. There are not so many remote contacts that the ID person would ju...

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