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Search results for query #bohdan

5 replies
16.03.2021, 15:24
Crossed-out product card price
Good afternoon! Please tell me how the crossed out price is formed Some products have value, others don't. Thanks
2 answer
12.03.2021, 10:02
Block clients of the process - can the completed data be transferred to subprocesses or taken from the parent
Good afternoon. There is an interface block Contacts of the process https://prnt.sc/10jitza, we fill it manually by selecting a contact from existi...
4 answer
09.03.2021, 19:37
Set a fixed end date for a process
Good afternoon! What action can be used to set a fixed date for the execution (completion) of a process? If you apply the action "Set the date...
Setting PREG
Good afternoon! Faced with the difficulty of setting up PREG templates when turning a letter into a process, I need help setting up a letter parser...
payment account
Hello. Is it possible to take a wallet to bind a payment from the additional field of the process product?
return to warehouse
hello. how can I return the goods to the warehouse if it was shipped in an already closed (or remote) process?
5 replies
09.02.2021, 13:57
problem with "add order" field
When placing an order through the "add order" field, it does not always show the correct sale price https://admin.uatech.pro/
3 answer
09.02.2021, 13:55
Problem with ordering
Good afternoon! When creating a new order, it asks for the required field of the client's email and without it does not save the new client. Co...
Addresses are not pulled up when creating a contact card
Addresses are no longer pulled into contacts, an error occurs. What is the problem?
3 answer
How do I change the payment method in the course of an action?
if in the action "Fill in the field of the process or contact" set the name or code, then nothing happens how to be?

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