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Search results for query #alex.gubko1@gmail.com

6 replies
03.12.2020, 09:24
Strange duplicate orders
Customers place orders from their personal account Recently we have noticed errors that 1 order starts to be duplicated a certain number of times E...
3 answer
Finalization of finance
You need a setting that would go to the stage in the add. the payment field would write some value, now we can either fill it in when making a paym...
3 answer
Evaluate Process Address Selection Refinement
We have the ability to display processes on the map It is necessary to evaluate the refinement so that I can indicate the address on the map (for ...
Extract from Privat24 for business
Hello, you need to receive an extract from Privat24 for business (with a cash account). Associate with the order by last name or order number speci...
1 answer
24.11.2020, 11:37
Linking brands to customers
It is necessary that when buying goods, their brands are tied to customer cards. To be able to filter contacts by brand And so that with the next o...
2 answer
24.11.2020, 09:18
Full name is displayed when searching for a contact
There is a contact http://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/users/250104/ They wrote down his full name Demyanyuk Roman Mikhailovich I add a payment http:...
3 answer
23.11.2020, 18:40
How to separate processes for new mail
Description of the situation: the business process "customer orders" receives requests from different sources. For each of the sources, d...
Renamed an employee rights do not apply
Renamed the employee and accesses, in the rights to permission "Access to the employee" there is a former full name. And in the contact c...
2 answer
22.11.2020, 14:34
Telegram integration not working
Hello! I need help with Telegram, because after connecting, nothing works, although everything is set up. - Application installed https://i.imgur.c...
3 answer
E-sputnik how to access the function?
There is an integration https://c.benishgps.com/admin/shop/integrations/esputnik-email/control/ The function is declared here https://prnt.sc/vled2...

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