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Search results for query #экспорт

1 answer
Export product information in prestashop
I wrote earlier https://crm-onebox.com/ru/support/online-stores/11256-eksport-informatsii-o-prod... Waiting for your answer
14 replies
Export product information in prestashop
There is an action "Export product information to prestashop" It has the value of passing fields But the field "Presence" is n...
3 answer
05.10.2021, 11:58
How to upload products to CSV in OS
Guys, tell me, is it possible to export products in CSV format?
Export contacts to an xml file with subsequent loading into 1C ZUP
How can I export the desired contact fields from a specific group to an xml file. Through the standard function Export contacts once an hour, you c...
3 answer
10.09.2021, 12:41
Products stopped being transferred to opencart
Integration with opencart 2.3 was set up https://montazhka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/opencart-1/control/ Data exchange worked. Now pro...
OS - Export products to CS-Cart / won't load leftovers
OS - Export products to CS-Cart / won't load leftovers Enable the setting "Export leftover products in warehouses to the CS-Cart system&qu...
8 replies
06.09.2021, 20:09
Import / export of opencart products does not work, crons hang
A new category "test2" of 108 products has been added to the import of products on opencart https://montazhka.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/p...
5 replies
31.08.2021, 12:22
Export filters in two movs
Tell me, be kind, why can you load filters in two moves in the box? Because only Russian movies are downloaded (mainly Ukrainian The product conta...
2 answer
25.08.2021, 13:12
Error when exporting products from a process
Good afternoon! In the process we use the export of products. When an error occurs in the process of a large number of goods. Can I somehow fix thi...
3 answer
Contacts are not exported (120k)
doing here https://onetos.org.ua/app/contact/ doing so Writes that a link will come to the mail, but nothing comes 1. Mail setup - yes 2. Mail set...

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