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Search results for query #улучшение

6 replies
28.04.2023, 00:36
Improvement - Quick process creation menu - Open in new tab - Select processes to display
1. Please make it possible to open the process being created from the Quick Creation menu in a new tab. With the ctrl key pressed and the mouse km....
2 answer
27.04.2023, 14:11
Improvement - Dropdown menu when hovering over application icons on the desktop
It would be great to leave the dropdown menu when hovering over apps on the desktop in Sort Mode only. This menu is not used 99.9% of the time in...
4 answer
27.04.2023, 14:04
Improvement - Open tabs in new tab and Breadcrumbs
Please make it possible to open any tabs in the product/process/contact card in a new tab through the mouse km and when clicking with the ctrl key....
28 replies
24.06.2022, 18:56
Improvement Suggestion - Block Names
Now, even if the blocks have names, be it a universal block or a block of subprocesses, while editing the interface it is impossible to determine w...
2 answer
18.06.2022, 10:13
Hard to scroll through process lists in PWA
It is not convenient to scroll in the mobile. CRM versions. Shown on video. Here https://ysbeauty.1b.app/app/workflowtype-sdelki/ - select the disp...
6 replies
15.06.2022, 15:40
While working in the system, employees often change some data by chance. This is due to clicking on some field in the list of processes, products, ...
2 answer
28.10.2021, 17:22
OS - Improvements - Working with events
1. Sometimes employees automatically open not the event itself, but the contact card, because it is customary to simply click on the line next to t...
1 answer
21.10.2021, 08:12
OS - Block of subprocesses - List of products
Please add the ability to disable the list of products for subprocesses.
2 answer
20.10.2021, 15:08
OS - Generate Documents
Add for the "Generate Documents" block the ability to select which documents can be created. So that at certain stages it was possible to...
1 answer
09.10.2021, 14:16
OS - Enhancement - "Change process name" action
Now, thanks to this action, you can make the name capacious and functional by collecting it from different fields. But because of this, it is not t...

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