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Search results for query #уведомления

3 answer
14.07.2021, 18:45
OS - Working with notifications
1. When switching the stage, the process closes, a notification appears in the bottom right corner and then the process opens again, but false appe...
1 answer
07.07.2021, 19:07
OS - notification menu issue
https://youtu.be/jPFIzDTY6IQ The menu doesn't always work. if you click on one of the notifications on the menu, it no longer opens on the othe...
14 replies
07.07.2021, 15:18
OS - Notification Block
In the MVP version, this moment was resolved, but in the OS it appeared again. The notification block should be reduced to a certain height, but m...
7 replies
05.07.2021, 20:35
OS - Open process from notification
Problem: After clicking on a process to open it, it opens in a "popup" window, and if you click on another step, that window will close, ...
3 answer
02.07.2021, 16:30
OS - Notifications
Is it possible to disable mail notifications but leave process notifications?
4 answer
21.06.2021, 11:15
OS - Notifications
Problems in the operation of the notification center OS version: 1. When you click on a notification, it takes a very long time to switch to mail. ...
18 replies
Telegram notification
2 notifications are sent per 1 comment. With what it can be connected
1 answer
21.03.2021, 13:07
Create notification in notification center
The comment is created in the process, but the notification itself is not created in the communication center. What could be the reason?
5 replies
13.03.2021, 10:27
How to remove notifications in the Central Committee when changing the status of Nova Poshta at the stages?
Hello! Need your help on the "Remove Process Notifications" action. For some reason, at certain stages of the BP where this action is set...
2 answer
11.03.2021, 14:44
How to massively tick the boxes for sending emails?
There are 500 employees. All of them need to tick the "Send every notification by email" checkbox. How to do it in bulk? PS: and I ask yo...

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