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Search results for query #товари

Import of goods from CS cart to OneBox
Good day! Images from the site are not imported into some products product example https://ukroptmarket.1box.link/app/product/628643/edit/ here is ...
Selection of goods
Good afternoon, such a problem. Those products that are loaded through the table - you can supply a non-whole number (for example - 1.5 m), those p...
Highlighting of items in the product table
Good day. Tell me if there is any way to adjust the lighting in the product table. For example, to illuminate with a certain color or not at all, ...
2 answer
12.01.2024, 17:33
Onebox and Keycrm integration
Good day! It is necessary to implement the transfer of orders from Keycrm to Onebox and transferring product balances from Onebox to Keycrm.
6 replies
Personal license
19.09.2023, 11:24
How does filter transfer work when synchronizing OS->MVP products?
The "Export products to another box" action has the "Overwrite all product filters on transferred" check box. Please clarify how this synchronizat...
5 replies
29.08.2023, 16:13
Why does the system, when copying a product, copy the creation date and ignore (overwrite) the creation action
It turns out that there are the following features of the system: 1. When copying a product, the system copies the data from the "Creation date" (c...
3 answer
03.08.2023, 11:23
Gray background on product image
Good day. Yesterday, the interface was updated and there was a cool possibility to view and add photos to the list of products. But in the photo, t...
2 answer
Personal license
30.06.2023, 12:00
Errors when working in the system
After switching from the MVP version to the OS, today there were problems using the box https://crm.ypi.com.ua/ 1) When adding products - when tryi...
2 answer
15.06.2023, 10:49
Error opening goods
https://orc-test.kiev.ua/ If you click on the product link in the order - 500 error
2 answer
Personal license
25.05.2023, 14:34
Obtaining the availability of goods from the supplier Brain
help to understand: here is a product in stock https://brain.com.ua/ukr/Bagatofunktionalniy_pristriy_Canon_i-SENSYS_MF237w_c_Wi...

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