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Search results for query #статус

3 answer
Optimization of the work of actions at the stages of BP
https://box.sheriff.com.ua/ - on one of the client's boxes there is a problem with switching statuses in task #2015644287 there is an example o...
1 answer
04.09.2020, 10:24
Tasks have 2 statuses at the same time
Some tasks disappeared in the client side. Revision in admin. part showed that in the general table of tasks there is one status, and on the pages ...
The names of the order statuses in the personal account and in the box are different!
Make it possible to specify the name of one stage for the LC and the box in different ways, for example, in the box the stage is called "Logis...
2014817170 - Transmission of order statuses from box to auto ria
The business process action “Change process status on Ria.com” has been improved, which allows you to switch the order stage to auto ria .

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