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Search results for query #продукты

1 answer
22.02.2023, 15:26
Upload only products that meet the conditions
Continued improvement https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-online-stores/16201-eksport-produktov-... If the setting "Upload only produc...
3 answer
30.01.2023, 20:24
Bug: unable to select product category
I select a product, for example https://elvatech.1b.app/app/product/41/edit/ , category I click save, but the category does not change. I did not ...
BUG Language error in category list
Translated the name of the categories into English and Ukrainian MOV now in the product card in the drop-down menu in the list of categories they a...
0 replies
18.01.2023, 12:32
The purchase price of the goods flies
Good afternoon. From time to time we notice that on different products the purchase price becomes 0.00, while the price in suppliers is correct, pl...
3 answer
19.12.2022, 03:45
Not enough fields in Create product from process action based on additional process product fields
There is an action in the procedure https://knkrd.1b.app/app/workflow/3/procedure/105/ You can enter a maximum of 10 matches in it. Is it possible ...
3 answer
12.12.2022, 14:12
It is not possible to add standard fields to the table
Product example http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/app/product/1818/edit/ It has fields filled in: short description, height, width, length. Screen 1 These ...
4 answer
11.12.2022, 14:44
No longer sorting products correctly
Here is an order example https://sara.1box.link/24530/ Here is sorting https://sara.1box.link/app/workflow/8/procedure/11/ In the order example, w...
2 answer
23.11.2022, 10:07
BUG messed up layout of product tables settings
http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/apps/product/datasource/Datasource_Products/settings/ Products - Product table columns. Displays the page in a strange wa...
0 replies
Sorting products by name not working
https://lums.crm-onebox.com/app/product/?sortkey=name&sorttype=DESC&cate... The sorting of products alphabetically by the Name column...
3 answer
22.11.2022, 12:39
Please check the correctness of the settings and answer a few questions
api login and api password for settings https://ibb.co/tsPBXj8 taken from the CASHIER login and password https://my.checkbox.ua/dashboard/employees...

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