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Search results for query #права доступа

4 answer
11.10.2021, 14:35
Access rights to the finance section
1. There is no item Budgets in the access rights section in the menu settings of the finance block. 2. Item All actual payments appears and disap...
2 answer
09.10.2021, 14:04
OS: Access rights in the context of Payments and cash desk do not work correctly
Guys, the access rights in the "Payments and Cashier" application do not work correctly, or I misunderstood something. Right now, the fol...
4 answer
08.10.2021, 16:12
Allowed to switch stage
How can I give access to a business process for switching to a business process only for koristuvachiv with a local (or specific) ip address?
7 replies
08.10.2021, 09:40
Access rights: the responsible person is not visible in the list of processes, despite the fact that the responsible field is open to the employee and he sees it in the process
Good afternoon. As an employee https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/users/113098/ (role rights assigned) Going to the list of processes https://crm.ohr...
3 answer
04.10.2021, 09:50
Apply permission changes to selected roles
Apply permission changes to the selected roles. Make a revision to apply changes to access rights for selected roles. Important: Apply not all righ...
4 answer
01.10.2021, 14:01
OS: Manage "copy entire product" button in permissions
Guys, I ask you to give the opportunity in access rights, to display or not to display the "copy product completely" button. To work by a...
1 answer
27.09.2021, 13:45
No settings for warehouse rights
No warehouse settings in new OneBox OS
In access rights, the sale price cannot be prohibited
Tell me, on the old version it was possible to prohibit changing the price in the product product card. In OneBox OS, I can't prevent editing t...
2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
20.09.2021, 14:43
OS - how to display a button for a group of employees
tell me pliz where, in the access rights for a group of employees, configure the display of this menu so that from the first screen of OneBox they ...
6 replies
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
20.09.2021, 11:31
Action "create payment" without access rights
Here monoshop.crm-onebox.com Need to improve the "create payment" action check the box to ignore access rights when making a payment. Th...

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