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Search results for query #права доступа

1 answer
15.08.2022, 15:40
Access rights to the category of payments
Employee https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/users/permissions/195069/ Granted access to only 1 category of payments in rights by role I checked in...
5 replies
22.07.2022, 16:16
Report for each employee with filtering
Here is the report https://fr-auto.1box.link/app/report/desiner/12/view/?order_filtercustomSkladdly... It has a ...
7 replies
20.07.2022, 16:09
Ability to only watch without editing
Here is the process https://fr-auto.1box.link/825/ so that everyone except the responsible person can only watch, but cannot edit (admins do not co...
4 answer
14.07.2022, 13:25
How to open chats
The employee receives chats from the socket, proma, jivo, but when opening it gives an error Tell me what exactly you need to open access to. Acc...
3 answer
12.07.2022, 16:52
Access rights
Є group of spіvrobіtnikіv https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/acl/aclgrouppermission/2/ here є nalashtuvannya on requests https://kolotebe.1b.app/app/workf...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
06.07.2022, 14:34
Access rights for the removal of products from the list
Good day, Let me tell you, how can I give access rights to the listing of products from the lists? Role setting: https://owwa.crm-onebox.com/app/pr...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
05.07.2022, 11:47
Access to product list
Good afternoon, please be kindly able to grant access to koristuvacha to all lists of products. It’s not easy to go out at once, after creating a n...
BUG! Can't click on fine-tuning permissions
The "fine settings of access rights" is not pressed, it switches to general orders. Solve it please Screenshot attached where I click gad...
New employee not added
Why can't I add an employee? Screenshot attached https://gadgetopt.crm-onebox.com/ I click add and nothing happens
1 answer
30.06.2022, 13:59
Payment category rights
Employee https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/users/permissions/195069/ Granted access to only 1 payment category in rights by role I checked in th...

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