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Search results for query #поля

6 replies
12.08.2021, 14:06
Product automation: Fill in an additional field based on the additional fields of the directory
Good afternoon There is a directory https://crm.ohrana.ua/admin/shop/custom/object/directory/26/ with automation of Boxing categories, the field ht...
Conditions for displaying fields
Good afternoon. There is a task - to display the N-th number of fields, only if the field X contains the desired value (s) Y (Z, etc.). The X field...
3 answer
08.06.2021, 22:39
Access rights to additional fields
in the permissions settings, employees do not have access rights to additional fields, how to display them? you need to add the ability to view for...
11 replies
Production_produce quantity based on add. fields
The customer's production process is characterized by the fact that the quantity produced deviates from that specified in the passport. Due to ...
2 answer
14.04.2021, 23:31
Field settings not working in progress
For the project https://trendtema.online/ in the settings of the search block, there is a checkmark https://trendtema.online/admin/shop/workflowst...
2 answer
06.04.2021, 18:07
Filter additional contact fields
Do not filter by additional field contacts https://zhiraf.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/users/
2 answer
09.02.2021, 15:47
Does not write some data to additional process fields from Tilda
Help solve the problem UTM tags are transmitted from the tilde additional fields are displayed in the process, which are associated with fields in ...
4 answer
Inconvenient field sizes in interface settings
Please return the size of the fields (see screenshot) as it was before. For now it is not convenient to use this functionality, to put it mildly. h...
2 answer
12.01.2021, 16:41
setting up additional product fields
The client has one product (for example, a sofa) and this product is available in several colors (for example, 30 colors) and the price for the sam...
2 answer
New fields have appeared
Good afternoon. We ordered the development of the process in OneBox. Now some fields have appeared in the process, they were not there before. How ...

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