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Search results for query #платёж

1 answer
posting payments for orders
A question about finances, if one private payment comes in and you need to split it into ten or twenty small orders already made, are there any sol...
1 answer
Distribution of payments [Estimate improvement]
There is an action once an hour Distribute payments without a category into categories based on the comment to the payment How much will it cost t...
2 answer
Creating payments backdated
After the last system update, the ability to create payments retroactively disappeared. Please return, this is a key function of spreading payments...
2 answer
25.02.2021, 13:36
Action Create payment processes
There is an automatic action Create payment processes https://crm.dobavki.ua/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ It works for incoming, outgoing payment...
1 answer
Payments for TOV have ceased to be tightened
Everything was set up and working. https://prnt.sc/zyzzxs But after 02/17/2021, payments stopped pulling up in OneBox
5 replies
04.02.2021, 18:04
Linking payments
I don’t understand why payments were tied up in the order (payments were tied up through the automatic action to link payments) http://crm.adparts....
make a payment
Hello. How can I set the default account (wallet) for the Make a payment block of the bulk operation panel on processes? There is no such field in ...
2 answer
action generate expected payment
https://prnt.sc/xcsh0s if the process goes through different stages - two payments are received, despite the setting how to fix?
How to distribute prepayments
How to distribute prepayments The client takes the goods (process) for 100 UAH Pay 200 UAH (Prepayment 100) for the next order, I will pay 400 UAH ...
3 answer
08.01.2021, 16:17
Payment categories
Where is the "payment categories" block setting - https://prnt.sc/wj1yz3 ? it is necessary to break the payments into categories, I can’t...

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