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Search results for query #платеж

2 answer
03.01.2021, 22:34
Payments with Privat24 stopped pulling up
From 31.12 17:33 payments to the box are not pulled up. Neither incoming nor outgoing
15 replies
setting up the action Automatically allocate customer payments to processes
explain why in the list of actual payments I write the order number to the filter and get the result: but in action - I have to invent some regul...
1 answer
Import payments via CSV_display add. fields of finance
Client action Integration of payments CSV (Import) - loads payments. To correctly link the payment and exclude duplicates, a link is made to the un...
How did you make sure that only payments were made according to the process?
How to robiti schob, only payments were made according to the process https://rovo.org.ua/admin/customorder/order/972580/edit/ And then you have to...
1 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.12.2020, 19:18
LiqPay - identification of the client and his payment
GOAL: We make a payment in your OneBox personal account via liqpay. It is necessary to identify the client by name, phone number, other characteris...
1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
25.12.2020, 20:20
finalize the action "Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments" (selection by several conditions)
it is necessary to refine the action "Distribute payments among processes based on expected payments" in such a way that it is possible t...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
25.12.2020, 20:08
finalization of the action "Generate the expected payment" (Take the client of the expected payment from the additional field instead of the "process client" field
improve the functionality of expected payments - in the action "Generate expected payment" add the field "Take the client of the exp...
3 answer
skips payments - "Privat24 Autoclient Account Statement"
action Privat24 Autoclient Bank statement ignored payments from 2600 one 2 how to fix? https://adapter.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/finance/?contr...
Privat 24 (does not pull payments on 1 card)
We have set up integration with several private 24 cards https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/minute/edit/ all are working fine but 1 i...
2 answer
22.12.2020, 09:07
error adding payment
When you try to make any payment, you get the error https://prnt.sc/w7lq5b "error adding payment. Due date is less than current" This was...

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