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Search results for query #переменная

16 replies
25.11.2021, 18:14
Refine the variable
It is necessary to modify the variable Decommissioned (amount of decommissioned process product)
4 answer
20.11.2021, 10:22
Variable with date [cdate]
Help me figure out how it works. There is an automation "Calculate the value according to the formula and write to the specified field" I...
3 answer
18.11.2021, 18:51
Document variable not working
There is a pattern https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/document/templates/14/control/ It has a variable But it doesn't show up when creating the ...
3 answer
Variables_Product parameters
I put an action - https://kvplus.crm-onebox.com/app/workflow/16/procedure/11/ "Change the value of the additional process product field depend...
5 replies
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
02.11.2021, 15:09
fix the row:product_currency variable
in the documents in the variable "product currency row:product_currency" instead of the currency of the product of the process or the cur...
5 replies
03.10.2021, 11:17
OS - Document Variables
Please add separate variable details for legal entities. faces. Now it is possible to add separate variables only for clients. I'm surprised it...
Pass in the changed first letter with the name of the client
Take food: At once, for the help of the changed [name_first_ru].[name_last_ru]@{|$customuser_Domen|}, an email Petr.Petrenko@kyivhlib.com is formed...
2 answer
Інтегратор OneBox
Personal license
30.09.2021, 10:53
OS : Variables in the report editor
Hello! In the report designer, it is not possible to add it to the editable template by clicking on a variable. Boxing and report in Boxing toptuni...
11 replies
21.09.2021, 16:10
You need to add a variable Discount %
There is a field "Total discount by process" But there is no such variable and there is no way to display the total discount in the repo...
What is the correct way to use the [url_change_status:statusID] variable? I keep getting an error

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