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Search results for query #оплата

Cloud pricing for data and applications
Do data charges accumulate or reset each month? That is, in month 1, I have created 1000 data. 2 month also 1000 data. Payment in 2 months will be ...
Charged $5.97 for 1751 entities. I don't understand why so. I also do not have funds in my account to extend my vanbox
7 replies
08.08.2022, 13:07
The problem with payment is already in a friend
The problem with payment is already in a friend, there was an increase in the balance through the R / R FOP 4-08-2022 on the balance sheet is not v...
9 replies
21.07.2022, 18:42
Tariff prices and currency conversion
I want to raise the issue of the cost of tariffs, because the situation is getting worse. The fact is that on your site the price is indicated in d...
2 answer
Good evening, where and how can I turn off server payment notifications that start 10 days before the end of the lease and spam 20 times a day?
2 answer
30.06.2022, 15:10
It is necessary to extend OneBox, there are -7 days left until the end
It is necessary to extend OneBox, there are -7 days left until the end payment was made on 22-06
1 answer
27.06.2022, 21:46
Automatically change the payment method for the Enrolled client
Receipt with cash on delivery, but the client changed his mind and paid for the goods on the card, paid for the payment, he added before the appoin...
4 answer
25.06.2022, 19:14
Do not write off pennies from the balance
Good day. In me, I don’t want to write off pennies from the balance sheet, but the CPM blew it. Hocha koshti for a rahunka є. How fast can you fini...
3 answer
21.06.2022, 14:45
Remove payment methods
https://datapoint.center/ There are 4 payment methods 2 of them are downloaded from the site, but we don't want to use them. When we delete th...
5 replies
29.04.2022, 17:45
Payment control
Good afternoon! http://box.agro-him.com.ua/ We have several payment types. (Screenshot 1) When you choose "Payment to the card", then, wh...

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