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Search results for query #настройка

portal features.
Hello. Integration with Prom is set up. Product characteristics from the directory are loaded into "Custom characteristics" In turn, the ...
Setting up an SMS message with a link to viber
Need help setting up a template comment for sending SMS, with a link to viber viber://pa?chatURI=divancomua. Now the unclickable link is leaving in...
7 replies
16.04.2021, 14:01
Request for help setting up
Hello, I have several offices in my structure, respectively, several leaders and managers who report to them. Purpose: to set up the system so that...
3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
10.03.2021, 22:10
The checkbox is not saved
here https://onebox.ossaframes.com/admin/shop/boxclient/15/interface/ In the product block I put a tick https://prnt.sc/10i8za5 After saving, the s...
2015753081 - The functionality of the business process designer has been improved
In the settings of the action constructor, the following has been improved: - setting that allows you to duplicate the action; - Highlighting PSU s...
17 replies
action "Automatically distribute customer payments by processes" - setting
please explain what is needed and how the field works "If there is a keyword or a combination of words in the payment comment" - what va...
1 answer
18.01.2021, 09:02
Email integration settings
Good afternoon. What does the Create events for all email recipients setting https://prnt.sc/x3t7a0 mean, what does it do? If it is disabled and th...
3 answer
Консалтинговая компания БИТ. Директор
03.12.2020, 17:30
Setting up a business process
When you hover over the buttons to go to the next stage, a pop-up window appears that lists all the automation operations performed on the stage. I...
3 answer
02.09.2020, 11:34
Can't find the setting described in Changelog 35
In the changelog, they talked about setting "Contact name when automatically creating a contact when creating a process from an unknown call w...

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