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Search results for query #контакты

2 answer
Bug with opening groups and subgroups in contacts
Bug with opening groups and subgroups in contacts. When we click on the plus sign, subgroups quickly open and quickly hide Please correct
10 replies
06.08.2021, 16:25
Evaluate the refinement to the contact filtering panel
Good afternoon please evaluate the improvement to the contacts filtering panel, to the additional field block http://joxi.ru/LmGWbyDug9kGZm, when f...
8 replies
03.08.2021, 14:50
Imported contacts are not displayed although the contact count is increasing
I load the .xslx file, the system correctly recognizes the columns, displays the first 20 contacts out of 1500. Then I start the download, I get th...
process contacts
Good day. The process interface has a tab (as well as a block) process contacts: Within the process, it is possible to perform mass actions on th...
1 answer
02.08.2021, 09:59
OS: Rename contact filter
On the contact filtering panel there is a filter "Date of the LAST process" - http://i.prntscr.com/JEt4L8GmSnuvh6knpb-OA.png But this fil...
28 replies
30.07.2021, 13:19
Assess the filtering of customers by the presence / absence of BP at the Holding
Good afternoon! I need to evaluate the filter in the contact filtering panel, I previously evaluated it through support but slightly changed the TO...
2 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
27.07.2021, 14:09
api /api/contact-get/json/ has changed (a field appeared in the array of groups, the name of which consists of the group id)
Today there was an error of integration with 1s. We take contacts from the box by api (method /api/contact-get/json/ ) . Start to fail. The reason ...
1 answer
First name priority
In the reporting form, the order in which the full name is displayed is not convenient. Instead of the full name, the IOF is displayed. How to chan...
2 answer
21.07.2021, 10:14
Going from the client card to the client's orders - shows all orders and not just the client
earlier, from the client card, clicking on client orders, all client orders, or leads or payments, were opened, depending on what you click Now, wh...
6 replies
Good evening, earlier in the contacts the client's orders were visible in detail, now there is no information, and clicking on the order displa...

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