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Search results for query #интеграция

7 replies
25.02.2021, 20:25
Searching for a product by article when creating a Wordpress process
Registered in the automatic action "WordPress / Import orders" search for goods by article when adding to the process, but the box does n...
1 answer
25.02.2021, 20:20
Connecting to the opencart database
Good day. Tell me how to connect the box to the opencart database? The task is for the box to search for a product by article number, and not by n...
11 replies
23.02.2021, 10:28
Error in Prom YML upload file
The file is not generated - it gives an error: Pardon parsing XML: wrong Addresses: https://strikeshop.com.ua/media/export/64.xml Row 8, symbol 781...
22 answer
Refinement. Import finance from Seller-Online
Who's ready to take on the challenge? Rate it. Seller-Online is a contractor for handling orders from foreign marketplaces. API v1.0 (We use it...
11 replies
18.02.2021, 15:32
Integration with Tilda
When creating new tasks from Tilda forms, there is no contact search for a phone number. Duplicate contacts are created with the same phone numbers...
10 replies
17.02.2021, 10:20
Synchronization (transfer of orders) with Rozetka
Hello! The outlet has changed its API domain. Rozetka registered a new one in the integration, but orders are not transferred. Tell me what could b...
1 answer
Orders do not come from Prom.ua
Messages and orders with prom ua do not come. Can you check the api? updated it (there are doubts that there are problems in it). integration did e...
2 answer
30.01.2021, 09:37
Type of connection to the OpenCart database
There is an action Import products from Opencart It connects to the opencart database and downloads products from there. There is a question: what ...
3 answer
29.01.2021, 20:02
Rosette changed api
Good evening, the outlet is changing the api and asking us to change it, we changed it, but they say that boxing still refers to the old one Screen...
2 answer
20.01.2021, 08:24
Integration with
Colleagues, good afternoon! It is necessary to set up integration with the "Honest Sign" company. Honest sign - the company is engaged in...

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