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Search results for query #интеграция

Privat24 Autoclient not working
One of the two Privat24 Autoclient automations stopped working. They have the same API, and the rest of the settings, just different accounts. Auto...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
22.03.2021, 10:57
Evaluate the improvement of uploading files in telegram chat
For block 1) need to improve the ability to upload files (1 or more) 2) Sorting messages - first new ones, then old ones, now vice versa
9 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
18.03.2021, 12:40
Why integration with cs-cart doesn't work
Set up integration https://stylesalon.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/integrations/cscart-1/control/ Added action to import orders But it shows error an...
Integration with Rozetka does not work (loading incoming orders)
Integration with Rozetka stopped working. When trying to open the integration to check the settings, it gives an error (Unfortunately, an unexpect...
2 answer
Integration with OneBox not working
OneBox integration with another OneBox does not work task in which the integration did not work with https://oneboxcorp.crm-onebox.com/admin/custom...
Integration with wildberries.ru
Is it possible to integrate with wildberries.ru and how much will it cost requirements: provides an opportunity for partners, working with the trad...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.03.2021, 13:35
Why payments with liqpay are not created when paying online
I make a payment using the link https://integrator.com.ua/payment/liqpay/2/?paySum=1&orderid=1137 , After payment, I was redirected to the succ...
10 replies
15.03.2021, 13:25
Good afternoon! help find the reason, orders from OPENCart do not get into the BOX
6 replies
12.03.2021, 14:51
Improvement "Import orders from psauto.com.ua" stopped working. Data is not loading from the site.
Previously, we made improvements to import orders from the site psauto.com.ua. At the moment, the setting is enabled https://prnt.sc/10joqi1 , but ...
1 answer
12.03.2021, 13:26
Integration with 2GIS
The key task of the client is to obtain the necessary data about the object located in the territory of his region by requesting data to the 2GIS s...

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