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Search results for query #звонки

7 replies
23.08.2021, 16:52
Stopped closing the call through the call creation API
Stopped closing the call through the call creation API Here is an example. It can be seen that the call status is OUTGOING But in the logs we see ...
40 replies
10.08.2021, 12:05
OS - number of successful calls
There is a KPI application Here it is possible to configure the indicator that counts calls Now it shows the number of successful calls and the nu...
8 replies
25.07.2021, 07:12
Calls from Kyivstar
Hello! No display of calls from Kyivstar. They are displayed in events, but they are not visible in the Kyivstar section https://technosite.crm-one...
2 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.07.2021, 12:24
Integration with wire numbers
Set up integration with binotel https://stingray.ua/ The Wire client has a number (that is, not a sip-line), the winemaker provides only pushes on ...
3 answer
31.05.2021, 13:54
Track the number of transferred calls
Telephony Kyivstar. Is it possible to track the number of calls transferred to other employees? Call example: screenshot 1 In events https://onebo...
35 replies
24.05.2021, 18:33
Incoming calls are not recorded
Our Box has integration with Binotel. Previously, call records were saved by Box, now they are not. "Do not upload conversation recordings to ...
3 answer
04.03.2021, 11:40
Entrance calls
Help with this phenomenon: First call from the number 0688085412 at 10:33. Call of acceptance, rozmov 1 sec. VІdobrazhatsya in razdіlі Podії. After...
4 answer
02.03.2021, 17:09
Missed calls
Good day. May be tasks on missed calls. In the settings for automation, they ordered Switch to the stage if the client called himself:. The client,...
4 answer
No popup appears
Set up integration with Phonet When making a call from CPM by clicking on the phone number in the client card, dialing actually occurs, however, no...
weekend calls
Calls from the vanbox via binotel do not work, you see the pardon "Binotel API pardon. Reverse integration." That is the problem with int...

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