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Search results for query #поставщик

1 answer
Oneboxconsulting (интегратор)
28.09.2020, 12:53
fix vendor setting when adding a product to a process
there is a product https://box.e-zoo.com.ua/admin/shop/products/37065/supplier/ it has only one active supplier http://prntscr.com/up6nnd problem: ...
1 answer
25.09.2020, 10:55
Selecting a supplier with a multilist in product filters
You can add a multilist supplier selection filter https://prnt.sc/unk3go so that you can select multiple suppliers, including selecting all but one...
4 answer
25.09.2020, 09:06
The import of the supplier's price list has not been working for a week already, please speed up the decision!
Bug after the update, it is impossible to download the price https://prnt.sc/ulwelu did not change anything in the settings, the fields are marked ...
8 replies
24.09.2020, 12:00
Integration with ERC
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com Integration with the ERC provider is set up. In the settings, I included loading all products, but not loading cate...
2 answer
22.09.2020, 18:30
Bug after the update, it is impossible to download the price
Bug after the update, it is impossible to download the price https://prnt.sc/ulwelu did not change anything in the settings, the fields are marked ...
2 answer
22.09.2020, 11:18
Displaying the supplier of the goods in the balances in warehouses
The system has a report Remaining in warehouses https://prnt.sc/ulmvt7 It displays the goods that are in the warehouses in the system. You can add ...
6 replies
Linking TM Magio
In binding by TM MAGIO, errors are shown, all positions are shown, tell me what to do? The articles are different, the names are different, but all...
1 answer
17.09.2020, 23:46
"Out of stock from supplier" is not set for products through the bulk action panel
All products: https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/admin/shop/products/?filterbrands=32%2C33&am...
6 replies
17.09.2020, 10:03
Does not filter by suppliers in goods and stocks
Made acceptances from suppliers. But when I wanted to see what was left of these suppliers, the filter by suppliers does not work https://prnt.sc/u...
2 answer
15.09.2020, 16:15
Integration with ERC
https://rozpakui.crm-onebox.com/admin/auto/action/hour/edit/ Set up integration with ERC provider All accesses are correct, ip is open, everything ...

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