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CRM for Instagram market

from iCOLOR OneBox #

Order free testing of the program

The application allows:

  • Accept requests from your Instagram store and conduct individual communication with a potential buyer. You can also outsource communication with appeals;
  • Proceed the sale of goods that the client ordered. Make repeated sales and keep statistics on each buyer;
  • Purchase goods from suppliers or raw materials and components for the production of their goods. Control supplier prices, manage inventory balances and plan purchases based on projected sales;
  • Keep records of spent and received finances, monitor sales profitability;
  • Sell the same product under different names and thus track statistics with the effect of descriptions on sales and sales channel;
  • Receive and analyze statistics on sales regions and by time when sales are better;
  • Keep full records of the cost of your goods or services;
  • See the commission you charge for servicing incoming payments;
  • Account and pay for work performed by your employees, including outsourced companies.

Take a free audit of your company, to get a favorable offer on licenses

Be sure to use the Instagram (Direct) application

Cloud pricing for data and applications

750.00 USD one-time

Cloud pricing per user

750.00 USD one-time

Boxed solution (on-site)

750.00 USD one-time

Screenshots «CRM for Instagram market» #

Available Platforms «CRM for Instagram market» #

Application CRM for Instagram market available in the Cloud
Available in the Cloud
Application CRM for Instagram market available on my server
Available on my server
Application CRM for Instagram market customizable
Paid Application
Paid Application