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Search results for query #цена

9 replies
02.05.2023, 08:47
The purchase price drops. Bug
Good afternoon, there was a problem, the purchase price for the product becomes 0, while all other prices are indicated because they should. If yo...
0 replies
18.01.2023, 12:32
The purchase price of the goods flies
Good afternoon. From time to time we notice that on different products the purchase price becomes 0.00, while the price in suppliers is correct, pl...
2 answer
11.12.2022, 16:02
export of availability and prices via api prom
The solution was in this thread: https://1b.app/ua/forum/integrations-with-price-platforms-and-marketplaces/15539...
1 answer
10.10.2022, 01:40
export of cash and prices through the prom app
Product https://rivcont.info/app/product/6678/edit/ there is a checkmark next to the field "Do not upload to feed3?" There are two action...
1 answer
15.09.2022, 14:05
The price flies
Good afternoon! For one position, the price of 00.00 is uploaded to the site Although the prices are all set and the rest of the positions are unlo...
1 answer
05.09.2022, 09:48
The price flies
Good afternoon! For one position, the price of 00.00 is uploaded to the site http://box.agro-him.com.ua/app/product/3927/edit/ Please tell me where...
The price from the promo comes wrong
Here is the order https://smallpet.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/24489/edit/ and here he is on the prom That is, in the CRM the full pri...
13 replies
06.12.2021, 14:39
Price according to quantity
Good afternoon, I saw information on the form that, as a standard, in OneBox, you can adjust the price of the product depending on the quantity, is...
1 answer
Universal import of products (xml/json) field from xml file to Box's additional field
Tell me, is it possible to link the <price> field with the OneBox additional field for import from the xml file? The essence of import: in ad...
2 answer
Formation of the selling price of the product, taking the largest ppm from one of the suppliers
Good afternoon. Tell me, is there any functionality in OneBox where you can set up the logic for transferring the sale price of a product, taking o...

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