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Search results for query #округление

5 replies
07.09.2023, 12:59
Need revision with rounding off the price of goods with a discount
It is required that the prices of goods are always integers. Even after applying the discount. Therefore, it is necessary that the rounded price be...
2 answer
18.02.2022, 09:26
Estimate the rounding of the price of the process product under the conditions
Need an assessment https://crm.ohrana.ua/, partially assessed but need to be comprehensively reassessed. You need a process action that will round ...
1 answer
15.02.2022, 16:34
When saved, writes the value with 0 characters
Example https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/protsessi-kassira/2289145/edit/ In the Amount field for the checkbox, the value 9000 was written ...
3 answer
14.02.2022, 13:29
Rounding in purchase
There are BP purchases. https://krx777.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/zakupka-tovara/1921517/edit/ 1) The product has a purchase price of the sup...
6 replies
11.01.2022, 17:08
Refine price rounding and process discount prices
Good afternoon. There is a problem with rounding values in processes and passing them via api https://crm.ohrana.ua/ I will describe what result is...
9 replies
06.01.2022, 11:25
Rounding not working correctly (revision)
Here is an order https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/407943/ It has a payment https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/app/payments/114855/control/ for 280 UAH There ...
2 answer
05.01.2022, 12:01
Rounding numbers
Vitannia! I'm creating a new column for the editor's call for help "My item" and "List of available parameters for writing t...
4 answer
29.10.2021, 09:40
How to round the sum of the process in Bp and in the document template?
In the table of products I round the number to an integer, but in the sum of the process and when printing, the sum is given without rounding, plea...
5 replies
18.10.2021, 08:59
Rounding off when discounted Checkbox
Checkbox integration is configured and a procedural button is made https://ppikc.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflow/19/procedure/39/?status=0 Works...
9 replies
09.09.2021, 12:57
sometimes the order amount from the variable pulls with thousandths in the format 123.0000 instead of 123
- it was noticed that sometimes the order amount from the variable pulls with thousandths in the format 123.0000 instead of 123 , this leads to sen...

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