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When saved, writes the value with 0 characters

Example https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/protsessi-kassira/2289145/edit/
In the Amount field for the checkbox, the value 9000 was written
Procedure https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/shop/workflow/57/procedure/771/?status=2
When saving, copies and writes 9000.
Switching unclosed processes to a trace worked at night. day and the procedure started
As a result, recorded the value 9000.0000

But if you then manually press save, it will simply write down 9000 without extra characters
Original question is available on version: ru https://qube-soft.com/ crm erp onebox qubesoft внедрение аналитика 1с интегратор


The issue seems to have already been resolved through support
23.02.2022, 09:35
Original comment available on version: ru

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