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Search results for query #доставка

Refinement is required
Add automation for adding TTNs that go to us to the process. That is, the action searches for TTN integration that are directed TO us, and adds TTN...
A bug with the display of the final part
There is a problem, the fields are not displayed in the summary part, in particular the delivery.
2 answer
17.08.2023, 15:19
Bug. The ability to select the delivery method from the drop-down list in the personal account has disappeared
Settings here https://box.yerocolors.com/admin/shop/boxclient/16/interface/?groupid=18 Login with this user https://box.yerocolors.com/app/contact/...
I can't insert the Rosetka Delivery application
Gives an error, see screenshots. Please help
The delivery method does not enter the Rozetka branch
Today we connected delivery to Rosette offices. But when importing an order, the delivery method is for some reason Nova Poshta. Here is an example...
3 answer
20.10.2022, 15:31
Delivery to the total amount of the process
how to make it in MVP to take into account the delivery in the total amount of the process
Need a general CRM setup for logistics and delivery services
you need to make basic settings for the initial work. I understand that this is a strange task and therefore I am immediately interested in the cos...
4 answer
22.07.2022, 11:11
Working with the NP Logistic app
Where can I find out how it should work in processes? What login and password does it ask for when setting up an account in the application? and wr...
1 answer
13.05.2022, 15:33
Do not have the ability to 2 moves on the essence of functional significance
Method of payment and delivery in the same order and in the Prompts and in Koshika in the template, I can’t correctly display the online store, swi...
4 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
04.02.2022, 01:14
NP addresses are not pulled up
Addresses in the order are not pulled up https://erp.openshop.ua/admin/customorder/order/25063/invoice/ And the NP directory is not loaded https://...

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