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Search results for query #telegram

2 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
27.03.2024, 11:39
PROBLEM: Telegram - the bot does not work for requests from new contacts
There is a problem A new person knocks on the Telegram bot: https://t.me/BalistykaUA_Bot The box does not create a contact card for this person a...
3 answer
11.12.2023, 13:12
Time of messages downloaded from telegrams
Messages downloaded from telegrams via e-chat have a time of 2 hours less than the current one. I checked with the hoster that the time zone on ou...
2 answer
06.11.2023, 00:34
Since yesterday, process pages have been loading slowly. Some kind of glitch in the telegram + integration settings, the processGeoCoder process appeared in a minute crown
The processGeoCoder process appeared in a minute, and if it existed, it began to take the longest to work. What is it connected to, Google? Integra...
1 answer
28.07.2023, 15:33
Telegram does not connect
Please let me know what the problem might be. There are no messages from Telegram, but everything necessary to connect the bot has been done. Ple...
2 answer
26.07.2023, 14:45
Telegram not connecting
I connected the token, turned on the webhook, set automatic actions once a minute. Telegram messages are not coming. https://fckryvbas.1b.app
1 answer
26.07.2023, 13:44
Sending images to telegram
When I try to send an image via telegram, it gives an error. In this case, the incoming images are displayed and opened. Please tell me what th...
Automation from Telegram
How to solve the problem? The procedure with automation "Send a Telegram message" works well in the first BP, which is assigned in the chat with th...
The employee's telegram bot does not receive content from the order
Good afternoon. When adding goods from a certain group to an order, the employee’s tg-bot does not receive the quantity of goods from this group ht...
4 answer
21.04.2023, 10:47
Users are complaining about several critical issues
Good day! I use your service to set up a tg-bot: - https://carmalift.1b.app/desktop/ - https://t.me/carmalift_bot We use the bot as a landing/commu...
1 answer
21.03.2023, 16:35
Creating a chat or process in a telegram bot does not work
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/bot-constructor/1/ Most likely, the problem is also with the https://take.ms/9TzcU interface, because when you sele...

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