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Search results for query #штрих-код

1 answer
25.10.2023, 23:11
Multiple barcodes
Good evening. Is it possible to modify the program so that you can add 2 barcodes to 1 product?
Barcode printing
Why does the barcode in format 39 look so crooked? Letters are not displayed at all in strokes, where which letters of the Latin alphabet are omitt...
3 answer
13.07.2023, 17:57
Incorrect barcode formation in EAN-13 format
Product example https://box1.luxshina.ua/app/product/267932/edit/ It was automatically assigned the 11-character barcode 00002679327 upon creation....
7 replies
16.06.2023, 11:05
Refinement: Multiple barcodes in one product
Guys, please consider and calculate the revision of the barcodes for products. It is necessary that the same product has several barcodes, taking i...
2 answer
01.06.2023, 19:18
Adding a Standard Field to an Action
Good afternoon. Noticed that in automation for products. Action "Calculate the value using the formula and write to the specified field&qu...
3 answer
07.12.2022, 10:53
Barcode variables do not match
Good afternoon! There is a problem setting up a print template for barcodes. The variable for the image barcode and the regular barcode variable do...
12 replies
16.11.2022, 14:35
Evaluate revision: search for serials by process products by barcode
Greetings, dear developers! In general, such an interesting refinement is required: Suppose there is a product with a serial number in the warehous...
Barcodes are not displayed
Got out a bug with barcodes, previously worked correctly. It is worth setting when creating a product to generate a barcode, products are created t...
не работает поиск при переучете через штрих код
Добрый день вчера хотели сделать переучет, но не вышло. При поиске товара через штрих код не ищет https://prnt.sc/ZF6-8r7cXhrj, далее вставляем шт...
1 answer
The product scanning unit does not work correctly
Here is an order We use the block In the order there is such an interface If you manually enter the information - everything is ok Everything wor...

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