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Barcode variables do not match

Good afternoon! There is a problem setting up a print template for barcodes. The variable for the image barcode and the regular barcode variable do not have the same values.

Tried different variables with barcode image, same result
Original question is available on version: ru


The difference in the code is in the last digit - this is the checksum, and when constructing the barcode image, it is recalculated and a picture is built using this value
here you can check your barcode https://barcode.tec-it.com/en/EAN13?data=482000032672
most likely this barcode was incorrect when the product entered the system
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07.12.2022, 11:09
Original comment available on version: ru

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I found information on how the last digit is calculated, but there is a complicated formula, but how, in this case, to massively affix barcodes to existing products?
07.12.2022, 11:48
Original comment available on version: ru

If you have settings for generating a barcode for a product (code for EAN-13, checkbox automatically generate a barcode), then you can simply delete the existing codes
When saving, the barcode will be re-created and recorded
07.12.2022, 12:05
Original comment available on version: ru

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