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Search results for query #пересчёт цен

0 replies
03.03.2024, 15:02
Product availability fluctuates with each price recalculation
The product has a supplier selected, but the supplier's price and retail price are not indicated, while the In stock from supplier checkbox is acti...
1 answer
19.07.2023, 00:15
Price from and to in the Basic price recalculation rule
Tell me, is it so conceived that for the basic rule there is no way to change the price range of the goods at which the rule is applied? Need to ...
9 replies
10.07.2023, 11:26
Prices and product availability are not automatically recalculated after supplier product updates
After downloading the price list (xlsx) of the supplier (https://core.extraparts.com.ua/app/supplier/step/index/, ID30), the data on the quantity, ...
2 answer
Adjusted to MVP, several actions do not work after migration
After switching to the version of onebox mvp, we have several broken settings of integrators that were configured for us on the previous version, b...
5 replies
You need to automatically fill in the "price" field from the "RRP" field
Help with a solution, how can I move the price automatically from the RRP field, which takes the price from the suppliers, to the "price" field. SC...
4 answer
Since yesterday morning, problems with recalculating prices in orders
Hello. I ask you very urgently to see what happened to the recalculation of prices for goods. Box https://optmaster.crm-onebox.com/ Order https://o...
3 answer
28.02.2023, 10:10
There is no recalculation of prices and availability after loading the price list of the supplier
In MVP, after loading the price list, prices and availability were immediately updated in the product card. There is no recalculation in OS. ...
2 answer
23.12.2022, 16:22
SOS! The price of the product has not been recalculated since December 6
https://one-box.shine-bright.com.ua/app/product/10224/edit/ what is the reason? Automation has been set up for several years, everything has alw...
2 answer
Incorrect price recalculation and margin calculation in the order
Good afternoon. Process: https://admin.uatech.pro/admin/customorder/order/1396528/edit/ there is a product that is credited lower than the input pr...
2 answer
20.09.2022, 20:24
The setting "Minimum quantity of goods from the supplier" does not work
In the setting Minimum quantity of goods from the supplier, 4 is specified Here is the supplier's product http://ultra.alfashina.ua/admin/shop/...

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