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Search results for query #категории

2 answer
28.08.2023, 09:42
Hiding categories
Good afternoon Hid unnecessary product categories, but they didn't disappear. While they are indicated as hidden. Tell me, please, what's wrong...
3 answer
21.08.2023, 12:57
Category parent disappears
Hello. Constantly in one category the parent category disappears (in the rondom). Help solve the problem with zeroing the parent category. Link to ...
3 answer
is it possible to import categories?
Is it possible to upload all categories to excel, edit the fields I need (for example, SEO data, sort order, category name, etc.) and then upload t...
3 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
19.04.2023, 20:03
Transfer to opencart categories without description
Here https://sara.1box.link/app/automatization/hour/edit/ It is necessary to add the functionality of transferring categories to opencart without o...
3 answer
30.01.2023, 20:24
Bug: unable to select product category
I select a product, for example https://elvatech.1b.app/app/product/41/edit/ , category I click save, but the category does not change. I did not ...
2 answer
how to DO NOT upload category description when uploading categories
Uploading to Opencart is configured in automation processes Question: Is it possible to not unload category descriptions when uploading categories...
2 answer
21.11.2022, 22:21
Product categories disappear
Hello. I just noticed that the category "Bathroom accessories" has disappeared, now the product from this category just has the code 2042...
3 answer
07.10.2022, 12:12
Special price settings gone
The settings for special prices relative to the price level have disappeared. The tab is a mess. Categories and brands that were never in the setti...
1 answer
06.10.2022, 10:25
Incorrect display of filters in the client's cabinet
Hello! In the client's account, in the fields of brands and categories, the client sees links instead of names. - these are brands are catego...
1 answer
Insiders - OneBox
Personal license
20.09.2022, 16:02
the name of the category in ua language is not given
Here is the category https://sara.1box.link/app/product/category/6009/ different name in Ukrainian and Russian but opencart doesn't show anyt...

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