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Search results for query #доступы

3 answer
23.01.2024, 17:48
The employee does not see payments during the Onebox MVP process
In most cases, the employee stopped displaying payments in processes and in the general list of payments; the settings did not change. At the same ...
6 replies
Regarding access level 1b
Why did 1b make changes, without taking into account the opinion of customers, regarding the definition of the level of customer access to their 1b...
4 answer
Kick an employee out of the system
We have 1 license for a box (test) http://box.os.generator.ua/desktop/ and we don't know who came Accordingly, since we cannot throw out licens...
1 answer
23.03.2022, 17:41
Access to personal account
The client recovered the password to manager@gps-khm.net Restored, but can not enter the LC. Please generate a password and email it to him
1 answer
15.01.2022, 10:40
Send access to personal account
OneBox client Yuri His mail is 4dar.com.ua@gmail.com, please change to Dikorosua@gmail.com And send the client access to the personal account
2 answer
08.12.2021, 15:43
Send access to client
https://farfor.crm-onebox.com/ The client wants to pay for licenses, but cannot enter his personal account I ask the client of this box to send acc...
Missing values in wallet balances
When assigning ACCESS RIGHTS, the values in the balances disappear if the level is below administrator. There is no way to create payments.
Display items in the menu - Settings
Good afternoon. The task is to display the Settings item in the menu for employees, but only Customize the menu should be displayed in this item. S...
1 answer
06.06.2021, 20:57
Reset ssh access to the server
Box in which we work https://kts.crm-onebox.com/ Previously, you were given root access, we can’t find them, please ask me in a personal task to re...
Employee access to additional fields
Good afternoon. There is a task to restrict access to certain fields for employees to view and edit certain fields. I go into certain access rights...

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