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Search results for query #повідомлення

3 answer
Personal license
22.02.2024, 16:06
After paying for boxing, a warning continues to appear in the Central Committee
Good day! Unable to get rid of the message. Boxing was paid for on February 15, but messages continue to appear every three hours. Please fix it. T...
1 answer
21.12.2023, 18:41
Error sending messages 100-2534037
Good day. When sending messages to the client from which the message was received, I get the error "(#100) Invalid action because it is not the own...
3 answer
ФОП Легеза В.В.
Personal license
21.09.2023, 17:15
Turn off notifications for employees
There is a need for employees NOT to receive task notifications. It is necessary for the ban to work forcibly and automatically Previously, it seem...
2 answer
how to completely delete your account and stop receiving notifications?
I finally sold my box and don't want to receive any more messages. How to completely delete your account and not receive any more messages?
1 answer
30.11.2022, 22:05
API access to the message center
Please tell me how to get API access to OS message center?
1 answer
08.09.2022, 13:00
Pardon at the government's sms notification
When sending sms notifications to the client, send the template (sms1), the client will receive the text sms2
9 replies
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
11.01.2022, 00:07
The mails stopped coming to the mail about the advice on the forum, why?
Previously, everyone came promptly to the post office, then I wrote here on the forum that I would come promptly, and in my case, the limit was 1 r...

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