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Search results for query #остатки

1 answer
27.03.2024, 12:12
Product reserve bug
Good afternoon. We noticed that OneBox shows a product that is actually out of stock. This item is on reserve, but is not connected to the order i...
The balances on the site are not updated! Urgently! Ready to pay.
Urgently! We can't work! Balances on the site siverprod.com.ua are not updated There is an assumption that the warehouse cart ID needs to be checke...
Balances are not updated
Balances on the site siverprod.com.ua are not updated There is an assumption that the cart ID has run out, you need to check. Before the goods are ...
URGENTLY!!! Export of leftovers does not work on Horoshop
Good afternoon, since yesterday, leftovers have not been exported to good. Here is a screenshot https://prnt.sc/SzSGzykB-Egv
2 answer
07.09.2022, 16:38
Open all products on a plus sign
Here http://crm.tryalia.com.ua/4018/ In the block https://monosnap.com/file/bitcFO8tcfhQ6vYbjRstrwJdyZSGz7 If you click on one of the plus signs ht...
Site balance not updating
Balances on the site siverprod.com.ua are not updated There is an assumption that finish the basket ID, you need to check. In general, before posti...
1 answer
07.07.2022, 17:12
Correct the balance in the warehouse
Good day Correct, be kind, the balance in the warehouse for the product. From the operations it is clear that yoga cannot be there. https://orc-tes...
2 answer
20.06.2022, 12:25
Incorrect overstock in the warehouse
It was necessary to complete all warehouse operations on the process: https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/order/2184141/storage/ Prote, the s...
10 replies
25.05.2022, 15:00
Transfer balance to cs cart
Connected integration with cs cart https://datapoint.center/admin/shop/integrations/cscart-1/control/ Import of orders works, connected the transfe...
There are MORE goods in the reserve than the actual balance
https://practik.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/products/222/storage/ why did it happen and how to fix it?

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