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Search results for query #fylonenko

6 replies
Return receipt in Checkbox integration
If this integration implements a return check?
15 replies
Full write-off from the warehouse and posting of goods via excel file
I need to make a complete write-off of goods from the warehouse and then upload the posting through excel files. It was not possible to write off p...
15 replies
Please tell me, when RECOUNTING https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/storage/stocktaking/?storagefromi... We throw go...
Lifo-fifo (accounting)
Can you please tell me how sales are recorded according to the "lifo-fifo" system? Question: On Tuesday, we conditionally receive goods f...
payment within the process stopped getting into the wallet
In progress https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/workflowstatus/207/action/new/ at the time of payment (buttons "paid by cash" ...
Error with email IMAP integration
Today I got this error: "Error with email IMAP integration" Screenshots https://prnt.sc/ul34bq and https://prnt.sc/ul34rh https://drevoje...
124 answer
19.09.2020, 12:02
How does Checkbox integration work?
Please give detailed information on how data is transferred to CHECKBOX. -Yur. face (what?) -Discounts (if there are discounts for both the product...
3 answer
16.09.2020, 15:51
Make it possible to connect several Checkbox cabinets
At the moment, it is possible to connect one cabinet from the Checkbox in the system. That is, it is possible to use the PRRO only for one legal un...
Error when disassembling the assembly of goods.
After returning the bouquet (assembling the goods) during the sale https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/customorder/order/2228/edit/ (button &...
Automatic action label printing
In the process of "Creating a bouquet" https://drevojelaniy.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/customorder/add/?type=sozdanie-bu...

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