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Search results for query #шаблон

3 answer
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
15.07.2021, 16:59
OS - improvement for document templates
Now you can only globally enable landscape orientation for the document But for all documents this is not necessary, since there are different doc...
3 answer
11.07.2021, 23:00
Can't delete an existing template
Hello! 1) You cannot delete an existing template 2) After selecting a template, the option disappears: "Add more Fill in by default Fine setti...
2 answer
08.07.2021, 08:23
Unloading goods (layout breaks)
The layout breaks if you choose a template, besides, the template cannot be deleted.
4 answer
07.07.2021, 12:33
Another value is pulled into the document template
There is an order https://crm.mebelok.com/admin/customorder/realizatsiya-izdeliy/2015467/edit/ It contains a product with the value of the addition...
4 answer
Друкарня "Друкарик"
30.06.2021, 14:18
Becoming povіlno pratsyuvati site on the template VanBox
Good afternoon. The speed of the sides has changed. The sides with the photo are vanquished more than the lower sides without the photo, if you wan...
3 answer
18.06.2021, 23:20
sms template
To facilitate the work of the employee, the integrator created the "send card number" button. Where do you need to go to insert a templat...
1 answer
29.05.2021, 10:09
TIRE pattern
Good afternoon, Yuriy, I would like to cancel the subscription to the TYRE template from July
1 answer
26.05.2021, 17:37
Letter Templates
Good afternoon! I’m interested in such a question, is it possible to somehow create letter templates so that when you click on the client’s mail in...
2 answer
21.05.2021, 12:27
Templates for creating a business process based on letters
Good afternoon, you need to create templates for 4 types of letters, you are interested in terms, price and who to contact
8 replies
14.05.2021, 13:24
Document template question
There is a template https://hte.crm-onebox.com/admin/shop/document/templates/15/control/ It has a caption at the bottom like a picture 1. When pri...

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