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Search results for query #цена

5 replies
05.10.2020, 16:40
Wrong prices in order 44050
Good afternoon! In order 44050, all selected items have incorrect prices. They do not match the prices on the website. Please correct. And also, pl...
incorrect price in cart
the client under his login sees his price in the store, and when going to the basket he sees the price as for an unregistered user
3 answer
Baza.cn.ua / Integrator (FOP Kupriyan)
24.09.2020, 14:32
When connecting a free plan, how long is the life of this box and you can learn more about the restrictions
If you connect this tariff https://prnt.sc/un1gua Is it possible to use this box forever with one license?
3 answer
16.09.2020, 15:23
Price recalculation and availability
Describe what I mean by these checkboxes https://prnt.sc/ui9yq4, path: Other->Price recalculation and availability
1 answer
kaspi.kz integration
We need to have a functional that will be able to analyze competitors on the site kaspi.kz and set prices for a value reduced in% or numbers. At th...
2 answer
CEO, owwa.com.ua
03.09.2020, 21:59
Loading information about the minimum reserve
Tell me, how can I upload a file with information about the minimum reserve for goods to the system? I tried through the menu "Storage - Minim...

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