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Loading information about the minimum reserve

Tell me, how can I upload a file with information about the minimum reserve for goods to the system?
I tried through the menu "Storage - Minimum reserve (shop/storage/report/reserve/)", but after uploading the file nothing happens. Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong or is there another way?
Original question is available on version: ru


The format of the uploaded file is as follows:
Where the columns to load are named like this:
productid - product id in the box;
code1c - product code1c;
article - product article;
productname - product name;
amount - the amount of the minimum reserve;
rrc - recommended retail price;
currency - currency name;
currencyid - currency id in the box.
All other columns will be ignored when loading.
04.09.2020, 00:54
Original comment available on version: ru

CEO, owwa.com.ua
Andrew, thanks - it worked!
04.09.2020, 08:44
Original comment available on version: ru

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