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0 replies
16.10.2023, 10:24
Product photos
Good afternoon I have a few questions about the product photo: 1. Background We want to upload photos without background into the box and then uplo...
Excessive compression of photos
When uploading photos to OneBox, the photos lose quality. The weight of the original is 774 KB Weight after download 142Kb Is it possible to fix...
1 answer
05.09.2022, 20:33
Stopped uploading pictures (used to upload)
There is integration, but pictures and characteristics are not loaded what needs to be fixed to make it work? https://sara.1box.link/app/opencart-1...
Uploaded photo in the BP description
The employee adds a photo to the description of the business process. I, as the owner, see this photo The second employee cannot see the photo How ...
6 replies
31.08.2022, 09:16
Removed photos when clearing the history of product changes
Here are the goods https://sara.1box.link/app/product/?categoryid=1083 They had pictures, took advantage of this action https://sara.1box.link/app/...
1 answer
10.06.2022, 17:35
How to update photo by yml?
There was a question, it's been 6 days, please, it's very necessary, tell me) https://1b.app/ru/forum/price-platforms-and-marketplaces/1388...
5 replies
04.06.2022, 20:58
In importing products by xml - how to update photos?
There is such a setting But she always updates the photo, but can I somehow make it update or add only new photos? That is, there are already 5 ph...
1 answer
04.06.2022, 14:56
The downloaded file flies to automatically send SMS via viber
Here https://ysbeauty.1b.app/admin/shop/workflowstatus/20/action/new/ in action "Send message Viber" upload photo (pic 1) or any other f...
Filter for products without photos - can I modify it?
We have a list of products that do not have a photo You need to quickly find all products without photos with a filter How can this be done? Now we...
3 answer
01.04.2022, 11:40
Title photo not loading
Good afternoon! It is not possible to upload the title photo to the products, it does not give an error, there is simply no reaction. Boxing: esm.n...

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