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Search results for query #таблица

4 answer
18.07.2021, 15:56
OS: Product Table
https://youtu.be/E0nUd3MkXLk Problem: It's hard to hit a row if the table is wide. A scroll bar appears which gets in the way. Sentence: Perhap...
2 answer
15.07.2021, 10:33
OS - Table display settings
I think that for many the names of additional fields are long and complex, and it is often not necessary to display all this name in the table. Is ...
6 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.07.2021, 01:49
OS - improved table setup
Sometimes employees set up a table for themselves, and then everyone needs to do the same, or an additional field has been added, everyone needs to...
5 replies
27.06.2021, 15:10
Process sorting by status not working
In the business process table, status sorting by the sort index, which is set in the business process designer, does not work. It can be seen on th...
7 replies
23.04.2021, 12:48
The separator has changed from dot to comma in the product table
Since yesterday, the decimal separator has changed to a comma, which is very inconvenient, given that, firstly, in all other places (number of good...
7 replies
28.01.2021, 16:35
Display of product tables for LC
Good evening. I add the table of products to the LC, similarly to the manager's BP. I don’t know how to add a new line in the table in the LC.
2 answer
24.01.2021, 22:12
The table view is not duplicated for all system participants
Good afternoon! We want to create a single table view for all system users in the Orders section using the "Save for all system users" ch...
14 replies
15.12.2020, 12:10
Copy process product fields instantly
http://crm.mebelok.com Before updating to the new version, there were 2 additional products in the product table. process product fields, the proce...
4 answer
26.10.2020, 15:37
UI crash after update
After the update, there are questions about displaying some tables: https://prnt.sc/v73ufa (this is an account manager), while I have the same orde...
9 replies
11.10.2020, 14:37
Bug! Do not select a product in the table that is not in stock!

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