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Search results for query #процессы

9 replies
16.07.2021, 19:51
OS - Process List
1. There is a problem with displaying text in one line. Or rather, the text is NOT displayed in one line, although the entire table is already wide...
5 replies
14.07.2021, 11:12
Ability to remove the preview window when creating a process
In previous versions of OneBox, it was possible to disable the preview window when creating a process (screenshot 1) I ask you to clarify whether ...
5 replies
OneBox Corp - Інтегратор
Personal license
14.07.2021, 01:27
OS - process interface block improvements
For blocks "Payments" and "List of documents" make it possible to customize the table (columns) that should be displayed in th...
4 answer
06.07.2021, 19:17
Processes of all subordinate employees are not displayed simultaneously in
Hello! I can't understand why on the "My Processes" tab, when I select two employees (Responsible), I am shown the processes of only ...
17 replies
23.06.2021, 13:17
All processes are not shown in the Locked Calendar
The tab next to the menu - My processes - Processes with the calendar - is all good, displays all the processes, scrolls down and you can see the m...
1 answer
Will there be an ERP update in the new OneBox?
1. In the new box, will the functionality be improved - in warehouses, balances for a certain date or period of all items. (1 supplier or multiple ...
3 answer
15.02.2021, 19:01
The textbook was sold, the client paid, the textbook was issued from the warehouse. The customer has the right to return the goods within 14 days. ...
3 answer
14.01.2021, 17:45
1) What are the buttons for: "suspend", "trained" and "paid in full"? - what happens if I press suspend on the clien...
1 answer
26.11.2020, 19:32
Subprocess Block: Improvements
1. We propose to make it possible to disable the header line in subprocess blocks. In many cases, headings are not needed at all, and users know wh...
1 answer
18.11.2020, 12:14
"Loading processes" is there any limit on the number at a time?
We transfer processes to ONEBOX https://prnt.sc/vldazg The first download went well, there were 30 orders (processes) transferred. But the second o...

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